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1.1 Background.

PALLETMANAGER is an invaluable tool for companies involved in any aspect of product design, packaging and packaging design, packaging rationalisation, or transport and warehouse planning.

The basis of the software is the maximisation of space utilisation - on the pallet, within a tray or tote box, in the warehouse or within a container / truck, taking account of a wide range of practical constraints as well as considering the costs associated with both packaging material and product movements.

It employs unique optimisation algorithms which are proven both in hundreds of companies worldwide and in the scientific literature. The basic concepts were first developed over 30 years ago by the staff at the previous developers Gower Algorithms, and since that time continual user feedback and research have produced an advanced Windows suite of programs of benefit to companies large and small.

Whilst our web site and other literature mentions a large number of international clients one should stress that the benefits of our software products can be just as dramatic for companies employing just a handfull of staff.

We are a small dynamic family run company who believe in being in close contact with our clients. We have sold over 1000 licenses to users in over 40 countries. Development and support continue to be based in the UK, and our staff have an in-depth knowledge of the capabilities of all our products. We are also able to carry out consultancy work in the areas of logistics and scheduling - please contact us if you have a problem you feel we might be able to assist with.

1.2 This Release.

This release combines the unique and powerful optimisation techniques proven in operation by many hundreds of companies over the past three decades with a modern, simple and slick Windows interface. 

In further developing this release we have retained the logical solution sequence familiar to existing users, but enhanced operation so as to take full advantage of modern Windows facilities. User files from all previous releases are naturally supported. As well as providing a range of standard output options (printer, screen, cut and paste, graphics files, e-mail etc) the Webbase facility allows users to quickly and easily make their pallet specifications available on an Intranet / Internet or as a CD. French, German and Spanish language output can be selected as standard.

The software is modular and has five primary modes of operation:



Calculation and display of optimal palletisation solutions for an existing case, pack or cylinder on a pallet or within a tray. This is the base module for all calculation modes.

PALLET COMPARE Calculate the optimal pallet fill for an existing case on each of two pallet sizes (e.g. 1200*1000 and 1200*800) and display the results for each side by side.


Generation and evaluation of possible case sizes for a given primary unit collated using a selected packaging style.


Investigation of the two stage collation of units, collating to form a display pack, then collating again to form the case.


Analysis of options for packing a 'cuboid' (e.g. a shipper, tote box or a freight container) with identical units.

In each mode optimal solutions (proven both in practice and in the scientific literature) are produced. In addition the software includes a range of unique and powerful sensitivity analysis and 'what-if' tools providing a fast yet exhaustive investigation of potential specification changes. It also includes fully configurable pallet and case style databases and powerful case and shipper rationalisation tools, and uses a simple and effective Windows user interface. Every screen has access to one or more sources of online help.

Having produced a load specification a wide range of screen and printer report facilities are available. Inbuilt facilities allow any screen graphic to be cut and pasted to other Windows applications, or for a complete report to be placed on the clipboard with a single mouse click. Reports can be output (to printer, JPG file or PDF) in English, French, German or Spanish languages.

Specifications can also be saved to disk using the STORE module, and subsequently re-called for screen or printer output, or for re-analysis in PALLETMANAGER following specification changes. The Webbase module allows users to quickly produce a set of files for Intranet / Internet display on pc / phone or tablet, or for a CD, either from existing STORE entries or during new calculations. Such entries can be viewed by anyone with a web browser - PALLETMANAGER is not required for this. The software has also been designed to link effectively with PDF generation software so that PDF files can be created from specifications and in a single click added as attachments to standard email software such as Outlook.

This version of PALLETMANAGER runs on all modern Windows systems without any further configuration.

Terminology within both Manual and Software

In this manual and within the software itself we have attempted to 'standardise' the terminology used in such a way that it will hopefully not confuse either existing or new users.

The term Unit or CASE is used throughout to denote the final unit which is arranged on the pallet or into a tray or tote box. This might be a cardboard case or a shrink-wrapped unit. In Palletise mode the size of the 'case' is specified by the user, in Collation mode the case size is calculated by PALLETMANAGER after considering the PRIMARY size, the number of primaries to be collated together, and the type of pack being utilised.

Thus the term PRIMARY is used to denote the units collated together to form a case, whilst the term SUB-PRIMARY is used to denote a unit which is collated together to form a primary unit, which itself is later collated to form a case. This is the subject of the TERTIARY module.

In packing Trays / Tote Boxes reports reflect the type of problem being investigated.

The User Manual.

This user manual provides introductory material for those making use of PALLETMANAGER for the first time, as well as sections devoted to a more in-depth description of each module. All the sections are extensively hyperlinked so as to allow for easy navigation through the material and each screen of the PALLETMANAGER application provides both local Windows help screens and direct access to the appropriate section of the manual.

Whilst the printed manual may seem rather thick the modular nature of the software does mean that only parts of it will be relevant to most users. Guidance on this is provided through the introductory material:

The Getting Started Guide - an 8 page introductory document. This can also be accessed here 

Also on the website Technical Support you will find a 5 minute introductory VIDEO.

A lengthier Guided Tour (Section 3) illustrates many of the facilities offered, and this section will be of particular interest to new users.

The Installation Instructions (Section 2) relate to both existing and new users.

Sections of the manual cover the various facets of PALLETMANAGER operation and the selection and operation of various modules.

As part of our development programme we would encourage you to write to us with any comments or suggestions you may have concerning the operation of the software and the facilities you would like to see incorporated.



PALLETMANAGER provides users with optimal solutions to packing problems. However, as you will appreciate packing materials specifications, together with environmental and handling conditions are subject to continual change. Experienced staff should always ensure that the load plans produced are suitable for the practical environment in which they are to be implemented. 







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